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Tag: contact

Articles tagged as Contact

Simple Ways To Win Friends And Influence People

Posted on October 22, 2023 by Wendell Tacket
Eloquence makes wonderful things happen.It opens mind and shifts attitudes.In addition, it wins friends and influences people.The "gift of the gab" could be the power of personal influence.It has been highly prized throughout history.It's been the foundation of interesting myths because folks have long considered eloquence to be magical.They believe it to be as effective as a charm.In Ireland, for instance, it really is believed that kissing the Blarney Stone, part of the Blarney Castle, will provide you with enchanting fluency...

Who Are Your Friends, Family, and Colleagues - Really?

Posted on October 5, 2021 by Wendell Tacket
The people inside our lives give us our greatest pleasure and/or pain.In what condition is all of your relationships? Are you experiencing people on lists sufficient reason for whom you rarely make contact, if? Are there visitors to whom you're grateful yet you haven't spent an instant to seriously thank them? Is there cards or brief notes you will be sending, merely to say hello?What would you set up today as a particular reminder to get hold of each one of the people that you experienced regularly? How do you want to contact friends, colleagues and family regularly - telephone, visit, e-mail, letter or card? Does your diary add a regular time segment for catching up with individuals that you experienced?Does this portion of your weekly diary specifically list whom you'll contact, how so when you'll contact them and for what purpose are you currently contacting them e...