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The Darker Side of Friendship

Posted on January 17, 2023 by Wendell Tacket

This isn't an ideal world. Most of us have our faults, a standard denominator in the people. Paths do separate, some amicably, others in severe conflict.

As with any relationship, disagreements, misunderstanding, negligence, petty provocation and conflict can slowly rot the bonds that keep friends together. These can begin as minor tiffs, but can slowly grow to tear apart friends beyond redemption.


What can you expect from the friend if you are at the giving end? Just how much of yourself, your time and effort, your financial along with other resources can you give to a pal? Will there be a mutual give and ingest the partnership? Ingratitude could be a major issue between friends. Remember, it's been said that of all Virtues, gratitude gets the shortest memory. Can you expect a payback once you do your friend a favor?


Gossip is hurtful, damaging, unkind and sometimes it is not very true. Gossip is cheap talk, an inexpensive shot at a pal. How can you feel in the event that you were the main topics a gossip? For those who have nothing good or nice to state about anyone, zip it up. Gossip is really a betrayal of trust between friends.


Codependent relationships are unhealthy, mentally, physically exhausting and exasperating, and spiritually undernourished. Some call co-dependency a relationship addiction, riddled with feelings of inadequacy, insufficient fulfillment, strong have to be in charge, no sense of boundaries and irrational. Codependent friends are always prepared to reach out, sometimes at great sacrifice of these own private needs. Some blame the planet for several their problems, gets too absorbed making use of their own needs and sometimes force their points of view upon others. They neglect to pay attention to their friends.

Sleeping or flirting together with your partner

Flirting or asleep together with your partner is among the most painful situations for a pal - to learn that the friend is sleeping with his/her partner. How do this happen? This can be a betrayal of a sacred trust- a rely upon the friendship.

Resentment, envy

Do you are feeling resentful of a friend's success?. Sometimes, levelling becomes a defensive tool. Clearly, that is envy. A pal should feel happy at the success of a pal. Some envy begins the questions of how will you manage this success, imagine if it generally does not workout, where do you want to get all of the resources you will need?. All mental poison, rather than sharing the joy of as soon as.

Manipulative friends

Some manipulations have become subtle you do not know you're being manipulated. Your generosity is abused, your good-nature is rooked, you may be talked into taking responsibilities your partner should shoulder.

Should you lie for a pal?

A lie is really a lie. Even an innocent white lie could be harmful. You do that once, you will end up expected to repeat. Truth includes a way of turning up when most unexpected. You put your credibility at risk when you consent to lie for a pal.

Negative Thinking friends

How much exposure is it possible to endure to a pal who includes a very bad attitude towards life? This is a function of friendship to provide an ear to a pal in times of need or stress. But be skeptical of an over-exposure to negativity, particularly when you are fighting issues of your.

It will not mean that you ought to make a checklist before you go on a friendship.

I usually do not have confidence in instant friendship.

It does take time to access know an individual, several bumps on the way is required to reveal the inner core, several laughs will be healthy, shared interests will be enhancing and inspiring. Friends who,together, discover new ideas and goals would enjoy growth . Friendship is approximately mutual caring and sharing that touches deep in to the soul.